God spoke to the ungodly… to the rebellious… to the ones who plotted against Him and said…
“As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.”

Discovering Hope in the Psalms…
Studying this chapter of Discovering Hope in the Psalms has been so encouraging. It has helped me to refocus on the bigger picture… on God’s sovereignty and the reality of His rule and reign both now and forever. It has reminded me that my hope… and peace… are not found in any earthly ruler or political institution… but only in Jesus. And in these days we really need to hold onto the hope that is ours in Christ, don’t we?
It has also reminded me that I need to daily examine my own heart to see who is on the throne of my heart. Who am I listening to? Who am I putting my trust in? Me? Someone else? Something else? Or Jesus? Doing this Bible study has truly helped me to dig into God’s Word, hear His voice, and worship Him daily as the King of Kings… over my life and over this crazy world.

Traceable Bookmarks…
Every chapter in the book includes a scripture bookmark design with a portion of that weeks Psalm. You can either color the design in the book at the beginning of the chapter or you’ll find all the bookmarks for every chapter at the very end of the book that you can cut out and use either as a bookmark or use them to trace the design into your own journaling Bible and color them there. You’ll also find other suggestions on how to creatively express your faith in every chapter… so many I want to try myself!!
If you’re not doing the study, you can find a Psalm 2 Printable Coloring Collection in my webstore… or my Etsy shop.
This time-lapse video shows you how easy it is to slip the bookmark under your Bible page and still be able to see it.
(My Bible is the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible by Crossway and I’m using a 005 Micron pen to do the tracing.)
Taking the time to trace and/or color these designs gives God time to speak to your heart through the verse you’re tracing or coloring and the Psalm you’re studying. You may also find it the perfect time to memorize a portion of the Psalm… or use the time to pray the Psalm over your life and the lives of those God puts on your heart.

A Call to Worship…
This Psalm closes with a call to worship King Jesus… to bow down before Him as rightful ruler of our hearts and lives. It’s not a one time declaration but a daily surrendering. Worshipping Him. Seeking to know Him better. Loving Him. Serving Him. Rejoicing in Him. Finding our hope in knowing that He is the Messiah King and the day of His return is coming soon… and we will see Him face to face.
A Royal Color Palette for the King of Kings…
When choosing a color palette to color a page or bookmark… most often it is simply the colors you like best at the moment. But this verse speaks of royalty…
The first royal color that comes to mind is purple so I chose this rich purple for the banner declaring Jesus as God’s anointed King of Kings. Purple is a color that symbolizes wealth, royalty, and status. Historically purple dye was a color that was very expensive and difficult to make so clothes made with this dye were only affordable by the wealthy and powerful. Jesus walked this earth in humbleness of both heart and attire… but I can only imagine that the most royal robes of any earthly king would still pale in comparison to the robes Jesus is wearing now seated at the right hand of the Father.
God Himself crowned Jesus as King on Zion… a pure gold crown on His head (Psalm 21:3). The color of pure gold may be hard to express with colored pencils or paint but, without a doubt, it expresses the victory over sin, Satan, and death when Christ triumphed over death and the grave!
The red of the heart represents both the blood of Jesus poured out on the cross and the love of God shown through the sacrifice of His only Son. Hearts are traditionally red… signifying not only the blood that pumps through them but the passion that burns within them… and the more we give Jesus free reign over our hearts and lives, the more passionate we become about living for Him and bringing glory to His Name.
His Reign… Our Hope…
God chose and anointed Solomon to be the King over Israel but his own brother, Adonijah, plotted against him… in vain. God anointed and crowned Jesus to be King of Kings, ruler of heaven and earth, and Satan rose up and plotted against him… again… in vain.
Adonijah thought he won. Satan thought he won. But God always wins! Solomon was crowned King of Israel and Jesus rose from the dead and took His rightful place as King of all KIngs… seated at the right hand of the Father in the heavenlies! It may not look like it here on earth… but Jesus is sovereign ruler over all creation… and He is coming back for those of us who belong to Him… who worship and adore Him!
Amen… and amen!